SCHOOL INDUCTION :: Day 3 - My First Teaching Experience

Today will go down in history as a memorable day in my life. My first class as a trainee was today. We reached the school around 9:10. Yes, our class has begun... The timing of the class was 9:30 to 10:15.Our presentation class for the day was 8-G, and 36 students were present. I was extremely nervous. We had already decided to take the statistics chapter. The chapter was divided into sections by Sruthi, Roshan, and me. First and foremost, Sruthi performed admirably in class. She finished the topic of the basic frequency table by presenting charts and explaining two questions. After that, I went to class and was extremely disappointed with my performance. My classmates, Sruthi and Roshan, then provided critical feedback. Furthermore, Reshnu, a trainee from Thiruvalla College, thoroughly examined me. He was in our class as well. I did not complete my portions , I expected to finish by tomorrow after studying their reviews. I will do my best, Tomorrow first hour i have 15 minutes to finish my topic.

After class, we went over the school compound again. First, we went to the VHS block. We met with some students and collected data. This black object is painted green and white and stands in front of the ground. Following that, we went to the higher secondary block, where we met Principal Sajan sir, introduced ourselves, and asked permission to take photographs. The higher secondary batch has two buildings. It has been painted in yellow, blue, and meroon. There was a separate ground for high school students, a big tree in front of the building, and e-toilets. and after analysing it, we gathered some information from the principal and officials.

We ate our food and went to the mosque for prayer. Afternoon, we saw students playing with balls; it was nice to see everyone playing well. There is a teacher who gives instruction too. And we introduced ourselves, asked about the game, and collected some data from the teacher. The teachers were very friendly.

Sruthi shared her teaching experience and tips to improve teaching skills. She also mentioned all my mistakes when I was taking the class.

We 13 of us shared experiences from our classes and observations. We shared food and more over We have become a little closer in these three days.

Vignesh's house is near the school. We went there after school. met his mother and grandmother.Vignesh shared his school induction experience with us.
Finally, we reached the hostel at 6 p.m.
